Sage launched its new Sage Business Experts Programme just over a week ago with the intent of creating a group of business people to support and advise UK businesses via social media. I was delighted to be asked to be part of this programme, and to join others such as Antonia Chitty of ACE Inspire, Joanne Dewberry of Charlie Moos and Helen Lindop of Business Plus Baby – perhaps unsurprisingly all people I have come across on social media before.
It is interesting looking at the variety of people who have joined the programme – and encouraging to see so many women! – but the common theme is that they all promote and support business and are highly visible on various social media platforms.
As a Business Expert I have been given some fantastic benefits including access to some very interesting research material which I will be working through and blogging about over the next couple of months, and of course access to Sage software. None of my current client base use Sage so I will be particularly interested to look at how their latest online offering compares to other online accounting software that I have used, and again you should expect me to blog on this over the next few months, especially as Sage continue to develop and refine the product.